New oak floor board Photos
This is what the oak boards were made from.
The boards came out great after I cut them to size and drilled out for the shifter
hole. Its amazing how 70 year old wood will come back to life if its been kept dry.
Next I made templates out of cardboard for all 3 sections. This was the top section marking clutch, brake and gas pedal cut outs.
I braced the 3 sections the same way the old ones were made.
I made sure I signed and dated the back side before I put on 3 coats of Marine Polyurethane.
Top section installed and holes were correct. Installed new steering column inclosure brackets and made sure I put in the gray cloth padding that you can see up in the left corner. That is so no engine fumes come into the cab. Ha,Ha, right ..its a tractor. padding protects the paint and wood from scratches, so I put it in anyways.
The finished floor boards match up with the seats and rear frame work.