Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dad and my 2 brothers. I am in the middle. (Ledyard, Connecticut)

The "Red Flyer"


  1. Wow would you look at that. What a great photo! How old we're you in this and where at was it taken. Looks like where the back yard or pond is now a days. Good stuff. Love the blog and will be following it as you go.

  2. Glad you like it Bryan. I was About 4 years old.The year would have about 1955. The picture was taken in the north field between Grammies and Lynn and Toms house.The big tree in the back ground is still there half way down the north driveway.

  3. This is fantastic Glen, I always knew you would do something with that Tractor. Need any help sanding it down—LOL
